Best of 2014 TV Series Characters, Villains, Deaths and Moments



1. Annalise Keating of How to Get Away with Murder (ABC)
2. Tyrion Lannister of Game of Thrones (HBO)
3. Olivia Pope of Scandal (ABC)
4. Norman Bates of Bates Motel (A&E)
5. Barry Allen of The Flash (The CW)
6. Jane Villanueva of Jane The Virgin (The CW)
7. Scott Mccall of Teen Wolf (MTV)
8. Oliver Queen of Arrow (The CW)
9. Phil Coulson of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC)
10. Emily Thorne of Revenge (ABC)
11. James Gordon of Gotham (FOX)
12. Callie Jacob of The Fosters (ABC Family)
13. Henry Morgan of Forever (ABC)
14. Walter O’Brien of Scorpion (CBS)

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